New HMIS User Information

How to Receive a New End User Account for ACHMIS



New User Information

If your agency would like to request HMIS access for a new user, please follow the steps below. 

For additional information on accessing the Training, please reference the Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing the Training Platform.
  1. Complete the Alameda: Privacy and Security Training and the Clarity Human Services: General Training HERE.
    • If you are unable to access the Alameda: Privacy and Security Training or Clarity Human Services: General Training, please contact the Bitfocus Help Desk at
  2. Once complete, have your Agency Liaison send a ticket to the Bitfocus help desk at
    • Please include the following information when sending your request to the Bitfocus Help Desk:
      • Users Name
      • Users Agency Email
      • Access Role:
        • Agency Staff
        • Agency Manager

If you are a new user who also requires access to Coordinated Entry, please review the process to receive additional agency access for CE | HERE.

For any requests that do not pertain to new user account creation, passwords, or logging in, please email the Alameda County Help Desk at